Stupid Things I have done as of late.                                                               5/10/2024

I have recently done some stupid as shit things as of late; I have separated myself from my online friend groups completely over just not wanting to support a certain individual because one of them were being a legitimate financial burden on myself. Will it be worth it in the end?
Probably not! But I digress because honestly it feels like something that I had to do because in the end I kinda just need to focus on myself. Rather than on some individual whose the universe particularly hates for some reason. To Rose; I’m sorry but I don’t need to not give you all my money or be stressed about your on going health issues especially in pursuit of my own financial goals or your house collapsing. Yeah now that I say that out-loud it makes me feel like a total asshat.

(Whatever its just something I need to accept about myself at this rate.)

Maybe I could’ve separated myself more gradually from my online
“friends” rather than going nuclear and deleting my discord and telegram accounts because they probably think I’m dead now. But alas! I guess that wingdings. has to die as-well alongside the last remnants of dorito online my former identities and you can bet this is going on my neocities site from several years ago! When I did something similar with but not really because I never truly got rid of these people until now. Hahaha... Man it really is lonely now since its been a few days since I’ve basically yeeted them out of my life. Darkness seeping into my life yet again! What a fucking ironic thing. If it wasn’t so detrimental to my mental health here.

(Another thing I have to accept)

Anyway I feel like I also dodged a bullet as-well leaving discord when I did! Before things truly hit the fan;
I honestly felt like discord server was un-ironically becoming toxic right before I left and I was truly walking on eggshells before I deleted my account.
 Don’t want another repeat.  Anyway! (poor grammar aside)
Sorry discord server for sounding a-bit mean before I left. Maybe I should’ve stuck to using the tone indicators pictures that I was so fond of even if it meant basically destroying how I typed online. Oh well too late now!

a-lot of things)

Honestly to all the people who I harmed online due to my autism basically destroying social interactions on the internet.
Sorry Maybe I’ll do better in the future but probably not and I’ll just stay off the internet and eventually off myself like I originally planned. There is no future for someone like me in this world and honestly I’m fine with that. At-least I got to play a few games and watch and also listen to some neat things before my eventual death and getting kicked out my house potentially in the future. Hehehe~

I guess thats it then! Until I do get kicked out of my house there really isn’t anything I can really do apart from convincing some german embassy in New York to fake a birth certificate for me essentially. By physically going there. Which isn’t going to happen any time soon. Also to my Dad in the afterlife go fuck yourself for throwing out the documentation relating to my birth. Laws change you paranoid schizo and I can’t just use a letter alongside a paycheck and social security card to get an ID card. OH ALL BECAUSE YOU THOUGHT I WOULD BE GOING ON GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE AFTER YOUR DEATH AND YOU WANTED ME TO BE AN ADULT.

Well guess what? It ruined my life and I eventually got sick of blaming my step mother over it especially after connecting the dots and realizing how it would’ve realistically disappeared. Oh yeah and if this is ever found by like corru observer online peeps and my online friends. Sorry for being a dipshit. I hate myself more than you know.